Most professional offices have some sort of shredding system.

Why is this? It’s because we all know how important it is to shred certain documents.

Shredding is a protection for us and for those we work with. The sensitive information we have on our customers and clients can easily fall into the wrong hands if we’re not careful. This can lead to identity theft and blackmail – something no business owner wants to be responsible for.

This is one of the reasons why shredding plays an important role in litigation document management and information security.

Why Document Shredding Is Vital to Litigation Document Management

Nearly every company has files in their office which contain sensitive information. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lawyer, doctor, dentist, videographer, or caterer – we all have some level of personal information on file.

Those in the healthcare and legal industries have more of these documents than others. They have everything from a patient’s legal and health history to their social security number and date of birth.

Other businesses can also have some of this information, but they’re more likely to have credit card and payment information records. They may even have copies of receipts or their client’s signature and/or credit card number on file.

All this information is at risk of falling into the wrong hands. And it can happen when we least expect it.

Yes, thieves can sift through our garbage in hopes of finding some information to steal. But oftentimes, they get lucky – usually because somebody forgot or didn’t know to follow document destruction protocols.

This can happen within an office or when you send important documents out for legal scanning. If you choose a company which doesn’t follow the latest destruction regulations, you could end up in serious legal trouble.

Thankfully, more business owners recognize the need to shred documents. And they make sure to choose a legal document scanning company which follows the latest regulations.

However, we’ve found many don’t know which documents need to be shredded or when.

Which Documents Do You Need to Shred and When?

In our digital age, more and more people are trying to transform their workplaces into paperless offices. Some companies succeed in this, while others still need to keep hard copies of certain files.

Even if you’re able to go completely digital, there’s a transition period during which time you’ll have a mix of digital and paper files. And of course, there’s some benefit to keeping certain paper files. If you’re ever in the midst of an insurance dispute or legal battle, paper records are extremely helpful.

But there are going to be documents you’ll have to get rid of from time to time. These documents aren’t to be thrown away. Instead, they need to be shredded.

Legal documents – anything with private, privileged information needs to be shredded. Here are some examples of documents which should be destroyed and when.

  • Tax documents (shred after three to seven years, depending on whether a loss was claimed or not)
  • Medical and dental records (shred after ten years)
  • Court records
  • Bank statements or credit/debit card information
  • Anything containing the personal information of your clients.

If you don’t shred this information and your client’s information falls into the wrong hands, you could be held legally responsible.

Why Hire a Legal Copy Service to Take Care of Your Shredding Needs

If you’re trying to go paperless, you’ll need to share private documents with a legal document scanning company. This company will provide you with legal scanning services, turning your paper files into digital records.

Once they’re done scanning legal documents, they are required to either give the documents back or to destroy them.

Having this copy company shred those documents can be a major time saver. This is especially true if you’re trying to go completely paperless and have file after file of important documents containing delicate information.

In the long run, you’ll also be able to save some money. Get everything done at one time instead of having to pay your employees to do it in their “spare time.”

Protect Your Customers and Yourself with Regular Document Shredding

How would you like to never worry about shredding another document ever again?

You have enough on your plate. You shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not your legal document scanning company is going to follow proper procedure after scanning legal documents.

First, choose a company which can serve all of your needs – shredding, scanning, and copying. Then, make sure they stay current with document destruction regulations. Doing so can prove to be an important part of your litigation document management.